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HIIT, Strength, MetCon, LISS, Cardio, Boxing etc….

Let’s cut through the noise, shall we? The list of workouts these days is longer than a grocery receipt and just as confusing. You’ve got fitness gurus all over social media claiming that their workout style is the end-all-be-all and the rest are just a waste of time. But let’s get real, is there really one type of fitness that reigns supreme over all the others? Spoiler alert: not a chance in hell!

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Here’s my stance; In today’s world of cars and couches, any movement is better than none. But we all know that not all exercises are created equal, right? Some provide certain benefits that may or may not align with your individual goals. So, before you waste your time and energy on the wrong workout, let’s figure out which type of exercise is the right fit for you.

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Let’s get one thing straight, folks. If you want to live longer, protect your joints, build actual strength and change the shape of your bod, you better put resistance training aka strength training at the top of your fitness to-do list. Not only will you increase your bone density, but you’ll also experience secondary benefits such as increased fat loss and reduced risk of heart disease. Plus, it’s a game changer for those with hormonal deficiencies like PCOS and women entering and going through menopause. So, don’t be afraid to lift heavy and get strong, your body (and longevity) will thank you.

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Following this, I personally include both “conditioning” and “HIIT (high-intensity interval training)” in my training regimen. These types of training will help you improve your overall fitness, including VO2, speed, power, and agility, and can be tailored to specific sports like athletics or football. They are designed to elevate your heart rate quickly, pushing your body to an intensity that isn’t sustainable for long periods of time. With shorter rest periods, over time you’ll see an improvement in your fitness and recovery time. Other benefits include weight loss, building lean muscle tissue, and these styles of workouts can be done using a variety of equipment or even no equipment (such as running at a high intensity for 20 minutes) and in a short period of time (20-60 minutes) making them time-efficient and accessible for everyone.

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Another type of training to consider is cardio training for over an hour. This kind of training, which involves one or two forms of cardio exercise such as running and cycling, offers a variety of benefits, depending on your goals and the intensity at which you work. Steady-state cardio can be a great option for days when you want to keep moving but also need to give your body a rest. It can increase your daily calorie expenditure without pushing too hard, contributing to your NEAT (non-exercise activity thermogenesis) goal, and it can also help flush lactic acid from previous workouts, promoting faster recovery.

For those who participate in triathlons or endurance sports, endurance training is crucial for overall performance. Endurance athletes typically engage in activities such as running, cycling, or swimming for distances of 4 hours or more.

When it comes to recreational sports, if you’re playing at an intensity that gets your heart rate up for an hour or more, consider it a workout. Sports like tennis, netball, and football can be intense, especially when there’s competition involved, but even a relaxed game can still contribute to improving your overall health and fitness. So, make sure to include it in your weekly schedule. However, keep in mind that if you’re not pushing yourself during these sessions, you may not see improvements in weight or strength.

On the other hand, sports like boxing, swimming, and sprinting are great for improving your body composition and strength in specific areas. These sports require a higher energy output and intense training to achieve a high level of performance. However, the primary goal of playing a sport should be to improve your skills and enjoy the experience. So, while it’s important to focus on the physical benefits, don’t lose sight of the main goal: having fun and getting better at the sport you love.

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Fitness under this umbrella includes all types of ‘HYBRID’ fitness that’s out there, for example, Yoga, Pilates, Spinning, boot camps, Body Pump, Zumba, Animal flow etc…

These forms of exercise involve a range of different physical elements and often cross over between strength and aerobic/anaerobic training (with and without oxygen), combining flexibility and agility with a focus on strengthening certain areas (i.e., the core with Pilates).

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Cross Fit can also fall under this bracket as ultimately it stands for Cross Training, and WODS (Workouts of the day) can include anything from power training with Olympic lifting, cardio training with endurance runs and even Conditioning using MetCons.

Again, depending on your individual goals, these types of exercises can be used to complement your main training or on their own.

In conclusion, my friends, the type of fitness you should be doing is all about what you want to achieve and who you want to become. So, figure out those goals and make them your mission. But, if you’re still feeling like you’re in the dark, don’t be shy to seek help from a fitness professional and get a personalized plan. And don’t forget, improving your health and fitness should be a balance of hard work and pleasure. So, choose activities that make you feel good, and you’ll be more likely to stick with them and crush those goals.

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